Universities’ admission requirements

Take a look at a general overview of the entry requirements for the three most important and prestigious Prague economic universities/faculties. We strictly take into account the entry requirements of universities in our preparation programmes. We have a rich experience of more than 15 years in designing them and training the required skills. For more detailed information, please contact us.

Modern, dynamic and forward-looking - definitely great choice ...

Czech programmes

Bachelor applicants – an oral language exam in Czech in which the candidate demonstrates knowledge of the general language at the B2 level according to the SERR and mastery of professional terminology. Passing the exam is conditional on a score of at least 70 % + an entrance exam in mathematics and English.

Master applicants – a written test from  applied  mathematics and English.  

English programmes

Bachelor applicants – an on-line test in English language (at least B2 level according to CEFR) + an online admission test consisting of Fundamentals of Mathematics.

Master applicants – a written test from Fundamentals of Mathematics, Economics and Statistics.

Prestigious name, some excellent fields of study. Quality varies significantly depending on the faculty and field of study. Choose carefully ...

Czech programmes

Bachelor applicants – an on-line exam (consists of speaking, reading and listening) in Czech in which the candidate demonstrates knowledge of the general language at the B2 level according to the SERR. Passing the exam is conditional on a score of at least 60 % + an entrance exam in mathematics and English. Some faculties require a GAP entrance test administered by SCIO company.

Master applicants – a test from general economics and major – depending on the chosen faculty and field of study .  

English programmes

Bachelor + Master applicants – an English deep interview, essay or motivational video (depending on the chosen faculty and field of study).

Ambitious, modern, good price/performance ratio - some interesting and modern fields of study ...

Czech programmes

Bachelor applicants – a test (consists of grammar part, reading and listening) in Czech in which the candidate demonstrates knowledge of the general language at the B2 level according to the SERR. Passing the exam is conditional on a score of at least 75 % + math and foreign language test (English or German).

Master applicants – typically a test from Economics or Management or Basics of Management + major (depending on the chosen faculty and field).  

English programmes

Bachelor applicants – a math and English GAP test administered by SCIO company

Master applicants – an English interview (the topic depends on the chosen field of study).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.